Regional Leaders |
Ashley DanielsonVolunteer and Partnership Specialist
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail
National Park Service
Bobbie RoshonePark Ranger (Interpretation)
Niobrara National Scenic River
National Park Service
Susan CookSuperintendent
Niobrara National Scenic River
National Park Service
Wendy MurphyEducation Director
Niobrara Council
Lela White BlizzardInterpretation, Education & Volunteer Program Manager
Niobrara National Scenic River
National Park Service
The Niobrara River Watershed Regional Team serves informal and formal educators throughout the Niobrara River watershed, with a particular focus on youth-serving organizations among the 21 affiliated tribes of Niobrara National Scenic River.
This team attended the Earth to Sky Academy in October 2022 (see selection announcement). Earth to Sky regional teams go through a competitive application process and are invited to travel to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center for a week of training in NASA climate science, communication techniques, and Earth to Sky methodology. After completing the Academy, each team offers one or more climate communication courses in their region, while serving as a resource and focal point for their community of interpreters and informal educators on an ongoing basis.
The Niobrara River begins in Wyoming and flows across Nebraska to its confluence with the Missouri River. (Photo courtesy of Quiet Parks International)