Regional Leaders |
Allison SmithEducation and Outreach Coordinator
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
& Rainbow Bridge National Monument
National Park Service
Frances FranklinEducation Specialist
Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service
Elyssa ShallaManagement Specialist
Office of Communications,
Partnerships & External Affairs
Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service
Kim ChamalesPark Ranger
Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service
Lisa HandforthEcologist
Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service
Earth to Sky's Colorado River & Uplands Corridor team serves interpreters, non-formal educators, and recreation guides in the Colorado River and Uplands Corridor from Lake Powell to Lake Havasu.
This team will attend the Earth to Sky Academy in November 2024. Earth to Sky regional teams go through a competitive selection process and are invited to travel to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center for a week of training in NASA climate science, communication techniques, and Earth to Sky methodology. After completing the Academy, each team offers one or more climate communication courses in their region, while serving as a resource and focal point for their community of interpreters, non-formal educators, and recreation guides on an ongoing basis.
Colorado River flowing through Grand Canyon. (NPS, Kristen M. Caldon)