
We know the challenges that in-person professional development poses. Time away from your post, expense and budgetary considerations, and of course the impact of air travel on our environment. To help mitigate these issues we are excited to announce the next chapter in our Earth to Sky story: virtual courses! This is a professional development opportunity for place-based interpreters and informal educators. 

Join us this July and August for the 2024 Earth to Sky Virtual Course: The Pilot.2024 ETS Virtual Course The Pilot white background

What is an Earth to Sky Course?

Our workshops provide you with a fantastic opportunity to connect with NASA climate science, scientists, and data and then synthesize this information with cutting edge climate change communication strategies. 

Participants will be challenged to work on their own for two hours each week, and engage in some preassigned and also self-determined tasks. As with every Earth to Sky Course we will include the development of what we call the “Authentic Task” where participants develop an action plan for a product that they will implement at their home site.

We ask that you bring your own experience, expertise, and climate story with you. What have you done in the past that worked, that didn’t and what opportunities have you taken and missed? An Earth to Sky course nurtures the robust sharing of ideas, experiences, and aspirations for climate change communication. We invite all of our participants to participate fully in the course and our community of practice.


  • This course will meet on Tuesday and Thursday each week for two hours each day. 
  • This course will be completed over four weeks. 
  • In addition to the two hour online meetings on Tuesday and Thursday each week, this course will require two additional hours of asynchronous work that we suggest participants complete on the Wednesday between weekly meetings. 
  • Each session starts at 1:00pm EST.
  • Registration is free.  

Schedule:  A woman types on the keyboard of an old computer while sitting at a desk. Photo Credit: National Park Service

  • Week one: July 23rd - 25th. 
  • Week two: July 30th - August 1st.
  • Week three: August 6th - 8th. 
  • Week four: August 13th - 15th.

If you have always wanted to join an Earth to Sky course but have been hampered by the in-person nature of those past events then this might be for you! 

Mark your calendars now and join our community to be notified when registration opens! We hope to see you online soon!

As this is our first virtual offering since the pandemic, space is limited as we try this new format out. 



Equipping Idaho’s educators to explore climate science through wildlife.

November 12 – 15, 2024 at the Teton Science School Kelly Campus, Kelly WY

Join Earth to Sky's Team Idaho for 4 days of training with formal and informal educators from across Idaho. This workshop will expose participants to innovative pedagogy and techniques for framing climate change. 

Joined by wildlife professionals, scientists, and others, we will explore:

  • Effective communication techniques for  climate change 
  • Climate change's Impact on Idaho's Wildlife
  • Tested techniques for delivering place-based education and outdoor learning experiences
  • The importance of fostering wonder and empathy for the natural world


  • Lodging and food
  • Travel stipends
  • 2 professional development credits through Northwest Nazarene University or Boise State University

Apply for this course here.



If you have any questions about this workshop, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Earth to Sky Academy 2024 announcement against a beautiful image of the Caspian Sea

Announcement of the 2024 Earth to Sky Academy over a colorful image of the Caspian Sea

Applications Now Closed

The Earth to Sky Academy is a tuition-free course for interpreters, informal educators, and science communicators interested in creating and nurturing regional communities of practice focused on improving climate science communication.

  • When: November 18–22, 2024Lori Perkins describes colorful NASA visualizations at the Goddard Space Flight Center hyperwall
  • Where: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD)
  • Team Applications closed May 24, 2024
  • Next Academy in 2025

The Earth to Sky Academy is intended for teams of experienced informal educators and climate communication leaders who have a strong commitment to furthering climate literacy within their respective regions.

The purpose of the Academy is to train Regional Leaders who will conduct regional Earth to Sky (ETS) courses and nurture their own Earth to Sky Regional Community of Practice. Academy content is based on over 20 years of experience and extensive evaluation of the ETS model. Participants will be supported every step of the way, before, during, and after the course.

For the first time, existing teams may re-apply to attend the Academy. This may be desirable if the team has significant turnover or new goals which could be catalyzed by returning to the Academy.

Applications Now Open!

Growing Change Workshop

Earth to Sky Academy

Niobrara Watershed


ENPO160628 D009 2

Join formal and informal educators from across the Niobrara Watershed who recognize the importance of teaching climate change for a three-day workshop in June 2024.

This workshop will be packed with exciting topics, fun activities, and lesson plans for you to bring back to your school or community, including; 

- Field Trip along Niobrara National Scenic River

- Share-A-Thon of Youth Activities

- Guest Speakers from NASA and National Weather Service 

Apply Now:

QR code for course application

When and Where

- June 11-13, 2024

- The Nature Conservancy

- Niobrara Valley Preserve 42269 Morel Road Johnstown, NE 69214

- Optional Pre-Trip: The Niobrara Valley Preserve bison pasture, Monday, June 10 from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

- Optional Post-Trip: The Valentine National Wildlife Refuge on Friday, June 14 at 9 a.m. 


For more information contact the team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

COPL Graphic

In a decade of rising fires and falling water lines on the Colorado Plateau, interpreters, informal educators, and Tribal professionals are the front lines of communicating climate science and engaging the public in ways that inspire action and hope. This course is designed to deepen participants' understanding of climate science and expand their climate communication and interpretation skills.

A brown building with a sign saying "Horace M. Albright Training Center"The Horace Albright Training Center at Grand Canyon National Park.

  • When: Midday Tuesday, Sept. 6 – 5pm Friday, Sept. 9, 2022
  • Where: Horace Albright Training Center, Grand Canyon National Park
  • Missed the application deadline? Please feel free to email us (see course description); we are keeping a waitlist.

Climate Change Science & Communication: Ama (Water) Is Life

Earth to Sky is coming to Cherokee, North Carolina on November 30th-December 2nd, 2023!

Join us for this free, in-person, workshop-style course to learn about what’s going on with climate change in western North Carolina/eastern Tennessee and how to engage with audiences on climate issues.

This course is hosted by Earth to Sky Team Southern Appalachian Highlands

About the Course

This course provides a foundation in climate science with an emphasis on the connection between global to local processes and on climate impacts in your region. Participants will discuss and practice proven methods for successful climate communication and connect with the growing Earth to Sky community of practice – over 700 communicators and scientists from a variety of organizations improving and sharing their expertise on this topic. You will leave the course armed with knowledge about cutting-edge climate science and a plan for bringing the climate story to your visitors in engaging and inspiring ways.
Otters spotted behind Tremont Office source: instagram

  • Meet with world-class scientists and communicators to discuss best practices and the latest insights about understanding and responding to a changing climate
  • Hear about the latest global and regional climate research from the scientists themselves. 
  • Join interactive sessions with specialists about regional impacts on water.
  • Experience community science and climate communications first-hand on a field trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park where educators will engage directly with workshop participants to evaluate teaching resources using local data.
  • Meet colleagues from around the region and join a community of interpreters and educators working on communicating regional climate issues.
  • Learn how to stay connected with these scientists and communicators. You’re not alone in your efforts - there’s lots of help available!

Target Audience                                                        

Public school teachers. Participants should have an interest in climate data and communication. Knowledge of climate science is not required. Teachers interested in collaboration planning to work together on joint projects with students are especially encouraged.

Lori Perkins describes colorful NASA visualizations at the Goddard Space Flight Center hyperwall

A tuition-free course for interpreters, informal educators, and science communicators interested in creating and nurturing regional communities of practice focused on improving climate science communication.

  • When: October 17–21, 2022
  • Where: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD)

Participant Webpage  (Accepted participants only)

The Earth to Sky Academy is intended for teams of experienced informal educators and climate communication leaders who have a strong commitment to furthering climate literacy within their respective regions.

The purpose of the Academy is to train Regional Leaders who will conduct regional Earth to Sky (ETS) courses and nurture their own Earth to Sky Regional Community of Practice. Academy content is based on over 17 years of experience and extensive evaluation of the ETS model. Participants will be supported every step of the way, before, during, and after the course.

Earth to Sky is coming to Zoo Miami on April 23-26th, 2024!

Applications Are Now Closed. 

There’s never been a better time to engage your visitors, staff, and communities about the impacts and implications of climate change in south Florida. Join colleagues in a supportive community of practice to learn about the science of climate change and share best practices in climate communication.

“Florida Squeezed” will provide you with a foundation in climate science with an emphasis on the connection between global to local processes and on climate impacts in south Florida. Participants will discuss and practice proven methods for successful climate communication and connect with the growing Earth to Sky community of practice – over 1500 communicators and scientists from a variety of organizations improving and sharing their expertise on this topic. You will leave the course armed with knowledge about cutting-edge climate science and a plan for bringing the climate story to your visitors in engaging and inspiring ways.  

Course Logistics

  • This course is hosted by Earth to Sky in partnership with NASA, the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Zoo Miami.

  • 9:00 am - 3:30 pm daily commuter-friendly schedule. No tuition fee.

  • Travel and lodging expenses are the responsibility of participants and/or their institutions. 

  • A block of nearby hotel rooms will be reserved for course participants. 

  • Food is available for purchase onsite, participants are encouraged to bring their own lunches.

Target AudienceThree women stand around a table. The one on the left wears a jean jacket, the one in the middle wears a striped shirt, and is pointing at the table with printed materials and handouts on it, and the person on the right is wearing a grey sweater and holds a paper.

Interpretive managers, frontline interpretive staff, tour operators, informal educators, and science commnicators at federal, state, or municipal agencies, non-profit, and private organizations. Knowledge of climate science is not required. Participants from Florida and the Caribbean are especially encouraged to apply.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to: 

  • Design and execute an action plan to produce a climate change education, outreach, and/or interpretative product/program.

  • Engage with the Earth to Sky community, both regionally and nationally, to exchange ideas and expertise.

  • Describe how connections between global, regional, and local Earth processes and climate change are affecting the ecosystems, economies and communities in the region.

  • Identify and apply audience-appropriate communication techniques, such as metaphor, analogy, visual imagery, storytelling, dialogic questions, or co-creation of knowledge in their product/program.

  • Access relevant, audience-appropriate NASA science content and/or educational/visual elements to use in their product/program. 

The Florida Squeezed course will emphasize experiential learning. It will start with a few distance-learning components that participants are required to complete prior to attending the four days of face-to-face sessions at Zoo Miami. Participants are expected to be present and fully participate in all of the face-to-face sessions. Approximately four months later, a one-hour webinar will be held for participants to share progress and challenges, and receive feedback/assistance in executing their action plans. The collegial atmosphere of this course will provide participants with many opportunities to engage with scientists, communication practitioners, and colleagues in collaborative learning.

Zoo Miami LogoFace-to-Face Sessions at Zoo Miami

  • Scientists from NASA and other national agencies will present climate science in both global and regional contexts followed by discussion sessions to apply
    that content in participants’ work settings. 

  • A field trip to Everglades National Park will serve as a case study illustrating climate science/research and a model for climate communication.

  • Dedicated time to work with colleagues and experienced mentors as part of a regional community of practice. Work collaboratively to create an action plan for developing a product or program applying course content for use in their site or organization. Participants are encouraged to reach out to internal and external collaborators as they execute these action plans. 

Expectations of Participants

  • Complete preliminary assignments in preparation for the face-to-face sessions.

  • Be present and fully participate in all four days of face-to-face sessions. 

  • Create an Action Plan for developing an interpretive, educational or outreach product or program applying course content.

  • Participate in post-course reporting and evaluations, including a one-hour follow-up webinar with fellow course participants.

Application Process 

Applications are closed. In order to attend this course, participants should have prior experience in communications (i.e., interpretation, environmental education, outreach, and/or public affairs). Individuals must complete the Application Form illustrating their interest and experience in climate change communications. Experience or knowledge of climate science is not a prerequisite. Applicants must obtain approval from their supervisor before applying.

The course planning team will carefully review and make selections based on information provided in your Application Form. The maximum class size is 30. Those not selected during the first round will be placed on a waitlist to backfill any cancellations. 

About Earth to Sky 

Earth to Sky (ETS) is an ongoing and expanding partnership between NASA, the National Park Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Since 2004, the partnership has conducted many professional development events on the topic of climate change.


Contact our Earth to Sky course coordinator John Ceballos: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

