In a decade of rising fires and falling water lines on the Colorado Plateau, interpreters, informal educators, and Tribal professionals are the front lines of communicating climate science and engaging the public in ways that inspire action and hope. This course is designed to deepen participants' understanding of climate science and expand their climate communication and interpretation skills.
The Horace Albright Training Center at Grand Canyon National Park.
Course Webpage (Participants Only)
This course is offered by the Earth to Sky Interagency Partnership in collaboration with the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals and Grand Canyon National Park. Together we will provide participants a foundation in climate science and effective climate communication and interpretation; an understanding of the connections between global and local processes; and perspectives on the interdependence of culture and climate on the Colorado Plateau. The course emphasizes a supportive, collegial learning environment. Participants will:
- Meet with NASA and regional scientists to learn about the latest global and regional climate research and discuss their insights on understanding and responding to changing climate
- Observe, practice, and discuss techniques for successful climate change interpretation and communication
- Hear Native perspectives on climate change and learn about Tribal resilience and adaptation strategies
- Experience first-hand evidence of and responses to local climate change impacts on a field trip
- Meet colleagues from around the region and join a community of interpreters, informal educators, and Tribal professionals committed to communicating regional climate issues and solutions
- Depart with cutting-edge knowledge about climate change, and a plan for bringing the climate story to your visitors in relevant, engaging, inspiring, and hopeful ways
- Learn how you can stay connected with these scientists, fellow climate communicators, and the national Earth to Sky community of practice over the long term. You’re not alone in your efforts!