It's Not Happening

Although many statements that climate change is bogus are based on false or incomplete information, there have also been some legitimate scientific criticisms of climate change science. It's important to separate one from the other, particularly since misinformation can be stubbornly persistent, especially on the Internet. For example, you can find several websites and blogs where someone states that global warming is due to increased energy from the sun. However, observations of the sun for the past 30 years show no increase in its energy production.

The important questions posed by reputable climate scientists who disagree with most of their peers are these:

  • Do we really know enough about the drivers of climate to be really sure that we know what causes change?
  • Are scientists grossly underestimating the complexity of the Earth system?
  • Are climate models good enough to accurately simulate the complex climate system?
  • Are there processes that will limit warming naturally by producing a negative feedback?

These questions are important, and science thrives on debate that fuels further investigations. It is always possible that questions raised will lead to new information that will change our perspective. However, to date the majority of climate scientists are convinced that enough of the puzzle is visible to conclude that the world is warming and human activities are largely responsible.