Webinars - Earth to Sky
Stream Corridor Management to Mitigate Impacts of Flooding, Erosion and Habitat Loss
2021 Upper Delaware River Watershed Virtual Course
Graydon Dutcher
Stream Program Coordinator, Delaware County NY

Graydon Dutcher smGraydon Dutcher’s tenure with the Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District has spanned nearly twenty two years as a Watershed Agricultural Program Civil Engineering Technician, Watershed Agricultural Program Technical Coordinator, and Delaware County Stream Corridor Management Program Coordinator. He has led his professional team in the implementation of the District’s Post Flood Emergency Stream Intervention Protocol and natural stream restoration techniques that are being recognized and modeled throughout New York State. He works to educate landowners, municipal officials, and contractors about stream and floodplain management and flood disaster prevention.  Graydon is a 1998 graduate of SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies.  He became a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control in 2004 and a Certified Floodplain Manager in 2014.

Posted by
Anita Davis
Last Updated on
2022-05-17 14:32:57

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2024-09-26 20:56:37

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