What We Do

Earth to Sky community members bring to life complex scientific concepts for millions of visitors to America’s parks, refuges and other conserved sites.

Mission Statement

Earth to Sky actively fosters collaborative work between scientists, interpreters, communicators, and informal educators from NASA, NPS, and other place-based organizations.  

This community of practice enriches the experience of millions of visitors to parks, refuges, and other protected areas.

What We Do

There are two, closely linked components to ETS: Professional Development, and an active Community of Practice.

We use a collaborative approach to interagency professional development, bringing scientists and educators together in collegial learning environments. Our training events emphasize development of plans for use of course content in participants’ work environment.  We provide face-to-face, distance-learning and blended learning opportunities. For years, the effort focused on climate and eclipse science and communication. Since 2024, Earth to Sky provides communication training on the full range of NASA Earth and space science.

We have also developed, and continue to nurture and expand, a community of practice that uses the science and communication skills and capabilities of each of the partners to enrich public engagement in natural and cultural heritage sites across the United States.

Archives of many ETS presentations and examples of participants’ work are available to registered members of our website. Registration is free and open to anyone with an interest in science communication. Simply click on  the “register” tab to join us!  You are also welcome to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., which provides periodic updates on science, professional development opportunities and other news of relevance to the community.


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